Experimental cultural heritage - Kivik

Experimental cultural heritage

Experimental cultural heritage is a project that arose in the borderland between archaeology, history, cultural heritage and artistic forms of expression in 2017-2018. The project was a research and interpretation project between the Linnaeus University and a group of artists on Öland, which was about interpreting the past and its role in our own contemporary times, i.e. the role the past plays for us here and now. The starting point is thus "the present" and how the zeitgeist that surrounds us affects our relationship to the past. The aim was to show how cultural heritage is dynamic and changing, not static representations of a distant 'past'.

During one summer, a group of local artists on Öland had to make their own interpretations and representations of the landscape directly on the spot among the ancient remains, without interpretative priority from research and science. The project ended in October/November 2018 with a collective exhibition in the Kamerala villa in Mörbylånga. You can read more about the project on the website:www.experimentelltkulturarv.se

Kiviks Museum was present at the opening of the exhibition in Kamerala villa, Mörbylånga, October 2018.

Experimental cultural heritage - Kivik

During autumn 2017 and spring 2018, a close collaboration arose between Experimental Cultural Heritage on Öland, Linnaeus University, Kiviks Museum and a group of local artists on Kivik. The groups met and exchanged experiences, and the work of seeking money for designs and continued research began. In June 2018, the Kiviks Museum and the local artist group in collaboration with local archaeologists, Linnaeus University and one of the project leaders from Experimental Cultural Heritage held a seminar where they started a simple method development with the sketch as a basis. The seminar was financed by the Kiviks Museum and Linnaeus University.

The seminars at Kivik in June 2018 under the direction of Kiviks Museum and Linnaeus University.

In September 2019, two international research and design seminars were held around Experimental Cultural Heritage at Kivik. The local artists and archaeologists met with a group of researchers and artists from Ireland and the Netherlands, to jointly develop the methods further. During the autumn, a small design project was carried out in the landscape and the entire method development takes place in an international exchange. This world-unique combination was documented at the Kiviks Museum in aexhibitionand through a research project, in which the museum participates together with Linnaeus University. Project leaders are Kiviks Museum and Linnaeus University. The international collaborations around Experimental cultural heritage will continue through exchange projects, design and research.

In February 2020, the international method report from the Kiviks Seminars came out in book form in English. The book is available for sale in the shop at Kiviks Museum and inthe bookstore.

The international seminars with the groups from Ireland and the Netherlands were part-financed through a grant from Region Skåne's Culture Board.

The research and design project is partially financed through a grant from the Riksbank's Jubileumsfond.