Österlen Biosphere Reserve - an opportunity!

Österlen Biosphere Reserve - an opportunity!

In December 2019 was formedThe association Samverkan för Hanöbuktenand Kiviks Museum is a member of the association which, among other things, works for a cleaner sea and a stop to the influx of nutrient leakage into the Bay of Hanö. Kiviks Museum was involved in starting up the collaboration, and you can read more about the projecthere.

As a pilot project to expand the work for a cleaner Hanö Bay and the Baltic Sea, the Kiviks Museum began in 2019-2020 in collaboration with researchers and other actors to work on the question of whether Biosphere Reserve Österlen is a possibility.

In 2021, the project was developed in collaboration withÖsterlen's Nature Conservation Society. Under the titleÖsterlen Biosphere Reserve - an opportunity?we jointly invited throughout 2022 to lectures, seminars and workshops - and a party debate before the autumn elections to the municipal council - to find out what a biosphere area is and what conditions it provides for increased economic, ecological, cultural and social sustainability for companies, associations and local population in Österlen - All year round.

During 2022, the project and the network developed further and more and more associations, companies and private individuals became involved in the work of forming a biosphere area for Österlen, including Kiviks Byalag, Kiviks Turism, Kivik Tång, Lions Simrishamn and Tomelilla Nature Conservation Association.

Read our project report for 2022here.

During 2023, work continued in a first test bed area in Albo Härad and we made a series of study visits to various facilities in Simrishamn and Tomelilla municipalities to be inspired by sustainability solutions. We also produced a common oneVision for Biosphere Reserve Österlen.

Read our project report for 2023here.

In November 2023 was formedNon-profit association for a biosphere area for Österlen.Contact the association at info@biosfarosterlen.se

If you want to know more about how Kiviks Museum works together with the biosphere association for a sustainable Österlen all year round, contact us at info@kiviksmuseum.se or stiftelsen@kiviksmuseum.se

The project was led and financed by Kiviks Museum & Österlens Naturskyddsförening.During 2022 and 2023, the project was co-financed bySparbanken Syd's Foundation for Growth.